Serving The LGBTQ Community And Nontraditional Families
At Brinkman & Associates, we assist nontraditional families in protecting their property as much as possible under the constraints of Ohio law. We highly recommend that people in domestic partnerships each obtain a power of attorney, a health care power of attorney, a living will and a last will and testament.
Our lawyers are sensitive to the needs and wants of the members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and will prepare the legal documents that are designed to provide many of the same civil rights and protections offered by marriage. In addition to advising members of the LGBT community, we are available to protect the interests of any couple living together without the legal protections of marriage.
Protecting Your Property With Joint Ownership Of Assets
Domestic partnership agreements and cohabitation agreements may be enforceable in civil court, but they are not an ironclad solution to protecting your property. Often the only way to protect your property rights is to make sure the title to your home, car, bank accounts and other assets are in both of your names.
Challenges For LGBT Parents
As a parent in a nontraditional relationship, you need to ensure your parental rights are protected. We can help both biological and nonbiological parents legally document their parental rights to ensure an ongoing relationship with their child.
Contact Us To Get Started
Take advantage of the legal protections available to you and your family. To arrange a consultation at our Cincinnati office, please send us an email or call 513-632-5310.