Working For Equal Rights For Parents
As a parent, you have certain rights and responsibilities that are protected under the law. This is the same for both mothers and fathers. All too often, parents will assume that a decision has been made long before they step into a court of law, particularly among fathers who feel that judges and magistrates will side with the mother. However, this is not the case. At the law firm of Brinkman & Associates, our lawyers will work to ensure your right to be a part of your child’s life is enforced and protected.
Dedicated Representation In Child Custody And Parenting Time Matters
For divorcing parents, one of the most important issues is the question of child custody. The court takes a strong interest in ensuring that both parents have the opportunity to be part of their children’s lives. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that your right to time with your child is respected by the court. We also work on settling custody and parenting time (formerly known as visitation) issues outside of the court through settlement meetings and representation during mediation or collaborative law. Whichever option you choose, we will always operate with the best interests of you and your child in mind.
Making Sure You Understand The Terms Of Your Parenting Arrangement
Many parents are confused about what child custody actually means. A parent may be designated as the residential parent and legal custodian, which involves the decision-making authority surrounding certain aspects of the child’s upbringing, such as religion and education. Parents may be granted shared parenting, but this does not necessarily mean that the time that each parent has with his or her child will be split equally. Shared parenting means shared decision-making as set forth in a shared parenting plan.
Our lawyers are well-known for being thorough and creative when negotiating or arguing for appropriate parenting time allocations for unique work schedules and long-distance relationships.
When you come to our firm, we will provide you with an in-depth explanation of the custody options that are available. We can also explain fathers’ rights and mothers’ rights regarding custody and visitation schedules. It is not a foregone conclusion that one parent will always be favored in a custody and parenting time decision. We will protect your parental rights and do what is best for your children.
Protect Your Parental Rights
All parents have a right to be a part of their children’s lives. Contact our firm online or call 513-632-5310 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your situation. From our offices in Cincinnati, we help parents throughout Ohio.