Establishing The Paternity Of Your Child
It is important to establish the legal paternity of a child for all parties involved. It gives fathers a legal right to participate in their child’s life and upbringing. It gives mothers the right to seek child support payments from the father. And it gives children the benefit of the emotional and financial support of both of their parents.
The family law attorneys of Brinkman & Associates represent mothers and fathers in paternity issues and in juvenile court matters surrounding custody and child support.
Same Laws, Different Venue
In Ohio, when the father and mother of a child are unmarried, paternity, child custody, parenting time (visitation) and child support are all handled in juvenile court. The laws governing these issues are the same whether you are married or unmarried, but the court deciding the result is different.
It makes sense to retain an attorney who not only knows the law but also is familiar with the unique culture and customs of both Juvenile and Domestic Relations courts. Our lawyers know the juvenile court system inside and out and are ready to assist you in obtaining the best possible outcomes for you and your child or children.
Protecting The Custody Rights Of Unwed Mothers
When an unmarried woman gives birth, she automatically has statutory custody of her child. In certain circumstances, we may encourage unwed mothers to petition for legal court-ordered custody. This is a proactive measure that shows the woman has taken steps to protect her role as a custodial parent. If she fails to take this step and the father one day decides he wants custody, the parents will be treated equally in the eyes of the court.
Protecting Fathers’ Rights
If you are an unwed father and fail to establish the paternity of your child, you do not have any legal standing as a father. You cannot participate in decisions about education, medical care and religious upbringing. You won’t be able to access your child’s health or school records. You won’t even be able to sign a permission slip for a school field trip. If you are living with the child’s mother and your relationship ends, she will be able to pack your kid and move away without your consent. Our attorneys regularly represent fathers who want to participate in their children’s lives. We can help you establish paternity, child support, custody, shared parenting and parenting time (visitation) arrangements.
Contact Us To Arrange A Consultation
Our law firm represents men and women equally in issues involving the care and support of children. To arrange a consultation at our Cincinnati office, please contact us or call 513-632-5310.